Alastair Galpin
took to world record-breaking in 2004 after being inspired by a record-setting rally driver in Kenya. What began as a hobby soon escalated into an active publicity pursuit. Today, he promotes the work of social and environmental causes. For these purposes, the most fitting game plans are chosen; then world titles are attempted and frequently created.
Sustaining sponsor
If you would like regular exposure from Alastair's activities, become his Sustaining Sponsor:
- A range of attempts annually
- Your brand in multiple media
- Distribute your own media releases
- Receive product endorsements
How To Be A Successful Record-Breaker
Your Opinion?
There seem to be plenty of folk who really want to know this, because I keep getting asked. I could write a compact step-by-step booklet with plenty of visuals, that would include:
- Secrets which took me to #2 worldwide during the previous decade
- Brainstorming, finding the right team, and gathering media interest
- Tips to get active support from people who wouldn't otherwise get involved
- Fast clever ways to analyse the benefits associated with potential records
- Optimal balances between fun and commitment, useful milestone indicators and more...
The booklet would be download-able for a small payment.
Would you be a potential customer? Email me!
Filmmakers' saying
You can have it cheap, fast or good.
Pick two...
– It can be cheap and fast, but it won't be good.
– It can be cheap and good, but it won't be fast.
– It can be good and fast, but it won't be cheap.
Special thanks
Behind every world record
attempt Their success underpins mine. |
They are listed here |
What's been happening recently?
Instead of continuing to attempt numerous small world records annually, I've focused on a project in Indonesia.
Have They Told You? is the largest world record attempt I've made yet.
Click here, read and learn.
Latest achievements
Longest full-body massage: 25 hours 4 minutes
Who would say no if offered such treatment?
For enjoyment
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Furthest surface journey in a male chastity device: 4,894.6 km
Possibly the most ludicrous thing I've ever attempted.
For my 100th world record attempt
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Fastest time to tie a Windsor knot: 12.91 seconds
Now I can really tie a tie!
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Help me break the next world record
As an independent world record breaker, I need to raise funds to help me with my attempts.
Attempting world records is not only rewarding, it's an excellent way to draw media attention. I can accept individual donations (however small) to help me fund the next world record attempt, and look for sponsorship from companies from all over the world who are looking to promote their brands. This can provide ideal low-cost advertising opportunities for companies which care about environmental and charitable causes. It also builds a long-lasting relationship.
If you would like to help sponsor me
to make further record attempts, please visit my
sponsorship page.
Other world records achieved
Please note:
Alastair Galpin nor will be
responsible for any
whatsoever undertaken by any person as a
result of visiting this website. If you
intend to attempt to emulate any of Alastair's world
record attempts,
always seek expert advice.
Over the years,
some of the world
records I have achieved represent great personal
achievements for me,
placing mind over matter and displaying skills that
I did not know I
possessed in connection with the weird and
wonderful. Some records
necessitate learning new skills and facing new
challenges, whereas
others are just painful lessons that I would not
like to attempt to
I have set out below the records of my achievements,
and you are
invited to join me through my quest by reading the
stories behind the
world records, as well as those banana skins along
the way which just
highlight the challenges I face.
Guinness World Records™ 2013

Most toothpicks rotated in the mouth simultaneously: 43
Why would anyone stick needles in their mouth and then rotate them?
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Most gloves worn on one hand: 65
The pain was extreme, but I couldn’t resist.
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Furthest champagne cork spit: 7.23 metres
I think I swallowed a lot of ugly stuff, but it was still cool!
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Most CDs balanced on one finger: 40
They wobbled and wobbled, but I finally got it.
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Fastest time to halve 10 matches with an axe: 2.86 seconds
Precision and safety required!
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Fastest time to eat a muffin (no hands): 33 seconds
Pig-like eating but so delicious!
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Guinness World Records™ 2012

Longest potato peel: 1.582 metres
A strip nearly as long as I am tall.
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Longest chain of belts: 311
We did it – and sent the belts off to Fiji.
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Most gloves worn on one hand: 60
A pleasure to do this in a shady garden.
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Most swim caps worn at once: 20
A potential skull-crushing risk.
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Furthest coin flick: 14 metres 6cm
This finger of mine actually impresses me.
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Fastest time to sort 30 jellybeans by straw: 16.88 seconds
My eyes could hardly keep up with my hand!
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Most toothpicks rotated in the mouth simultaneously: 39
It was like having a hedgehog scouring out my mouth.
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Fastest time to shell one boiled egg: 5.09 seconds
A vast improvement on my previous world record for this event.
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Most M&M pretzel candies moved with a straw in 1 minute: 62
Going dizzy is part of the fun!
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Most dominoes toppled in 30 seconds: 30
One wrong hand movement and they’re all flat on the table.
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Most dried peas moved in one minute using a straw: 48
They’re so light it’s like moving green bubbles of dried air!
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Most sugar
cubes balanced on the chin (single stack): 11
Sweet when they
break; hard to balance otherwise.
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Most bottle caps moved with the mouth in 30 seconds:
When I find new
ways, I get better scores.
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Most gloves worn on one hand: 44
I bet those relaxing in the club that night weren’t expecting this.
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Longest line of M&M pretzels in 30 seconds: 30
Another world record-setting feat requiring no more than sweet yummy chocolate balls.
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Most hair clips on the head in 30 seconds: 33
It hurt, but I’d tolerate pain for another world record.
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Most M&M pretzel candies moved with a straw in 1 minute: 60
If you don’t mind being dizzy, this is a wonderful way to spend your evening.
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Guinness World Records™ 2011

Most AA batteries held in the hand: 44
An energy zapping experience, but I had to go on, and on, and on...
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Tallest alternating coffee cup tower in one minute: 170cm
Surprisingly, it’s not the height which affects the tower’s balance.
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Most bottle caps moved with the mouth in 30 seconds: 30
If you want to feel dizzy, try this!
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Most dice stacked into a tower in one minute using the mouth: 15
I smacked my teeth during practise – and blood drained into my mouth.
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Longest duration Malteser blowing: 4.50 seconds
A fun way to set a record for the lighter way to enjoy chocolate (so long as you don't mind a little dirt!).
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Most gloves put on one hand in one minute: 13
This was the first of the new world records
which I set during a trip to Milan, Italy where I appeared on an
Italian world records TV show.
Read about all of the various personalities I met there.
For Lo Show dei Record
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Most candles lit in the mouth: 8
This was the next of the world
records to be beaten by me whilst on the Italian world
records TV show. More personalities were being
introduced to me by the day, and my head was spinning with remembering
all of their names and feats - but I had to concentrate on fitting
candles into my mouth!
For Lo Show dei Record
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Fastest time to shell one boiled egg: 14.79 seconds
This was the last of the world records which I broke during the trip to Italy - televised to the waiting public.
Even more extraordinary personalities made this one truly memorable trip.
For Lo Show dei Record
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Longest continuous handshake (shared): 33 hours 3 minutes
I was invited to participate in this international event held in Times Square, New York, starting at 8pm EST on Friday 14th January 2011. There were three teams: one team from the USA, myself and Don Purdon representing New Zealand, and a team from Nepal.
The event drew plenty of media attention and there was
live video streaming across the internet. Large crowds cheered us
on as we set off into the
first night, shaking hands enthusiastically, and then
settling down into a routine.
The teams had been practising hard. The first night
proved eventful
when paramedics had to respond to one hand shaker losing
the time the existing confirmed Guinness World Record™
of 15 hours 30
minutes and 45
seconds had been broken, there were just us (the New
Zealand team), who
"Shaking it up for Downs" and the team from Nepal.
Just before 33 hours, the four of us agreed that neither
team was going
to give up, and a deal had to be struck. The
consensus was to finish the record attempt at the same
time and share
the world
record title, subject to its ratification.
Auckland Down Syndrome Association
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Guinness World Records™ 2010

Largest bottle cap sculpture (shared): 19,205 caps
A momentous achievement, with many days and helpers needed to pull it all together - a marvel of engineering reproduced with the consent of Gilbert Rugby, who have been chosen to produce the match balls for the Rugby World Cup 2011 here in New Zealand.
Guinness World Records Day 2010
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Guinness World Records™ 2009

Furthest distance to blow a Malteser with a straw: 11 metres 29.5cm
Yes, this went further than I expected it to. But that's good. Very good - it is after all, supposed to be the lighter way to enjoy chocolate!
Guinness World Records Day 2009
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Most gloves put on one hand in one minute: 10
One second they slip, the next, they stick. How would you know?
Guinness World Records Day 2009
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Most envelopes torn in half in 30 seconds: 26
That was repetitive, but a good way to dissolve my stress at the time.
Guinness World Records Day 2009
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Furthest pea blow: 3 metres 38.5cm
The trick was not in the blowing, but rather the moisture on the skin of each pea.
Guinness World Records Day 2009
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Furthest coin flick: 12 metres 11cm
I was astounded at how this little coin sailed through the air, seemingly effortlessly.
Guinness World Records Day 2009
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Furthest coin blow: 37.6cm
Mate! Did I go blue in the face getting that coin to move.
Guinness World Records Day 2009
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Most High Fives in one minute: 76
From toddlers to the aged, I slapped the hand of everyone there in a blur of speed.
For Impossibility Challenger NZ
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Most candles lit in the mouth: 5
Never thought I'd ever eat candle wax. But I have.
For Impossibility Challenger NZ
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Fastest time to break 10 plastic coat hangers: 6.30 seconds
It felt as if they shattered the instant I touched them. That's the way I like it.
For Impossibility Challenger NZ
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Furthest champagne cork spit: 5 metres
If it hadn't tasted so delicious, perhaps I'd have spat it further.
For Impossibility Challenger NZ
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Furthest table tennis ball spit: 6.36 metres
You try spitting a ball that weighs about as much as a feather into the wind!
For Impossibility Challenger NZ
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Furthest light bulb throw: 28.66 metres
I discovered that in a steady side-wind, even heavy light bulbs are affected.
For Impossibility Challenger NZ
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Fastest time to halve 10 matches with an axe: 4.31 seconds
It's great fun smashing things with an axe. I love it.
For Impossibility Challenger NZ
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Fastest time to shell one boiled egg: 18.95 seconds
It's a tricky one, this. There were bits of shell sticking everywhere.
For Impossibility Challenger NZ
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Fastest time to butter 10 slices of bread: 52.42 seconds
I'm satisfied. So is the local shopkeeper where I bought way too much practice bread!
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Most chopsticks snapped in 30 seconds: 33
Do you know that a lot of wood chopped from the Amazon rainforest is converted into chopsticks? Please, if you try this, get hold of used chopsticks so you are not supporting possible forest destruction.
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Most chopsticks snapped in a minute: 68
Do you know that a lot of wood chopped from the Amazon rainforest is converted into chopsticks? Please, if you try this, get hold of used chopsticks so you are not supporting possible forest destruction.
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Record Holders' Republic 2009
Most side jumps in 30 seconds: 51
Just a tad tough on the old heart, you know...
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Furthest standing jump sideways: 2 metres 6.5cm
A bit of a balancing act, because I had to land correctly without adjusting my stance.
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Most eggs shelled in one minute: 4
A tricky attempt with slimy eggs, all while I'm under pressure from the timekeepers.
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Longest passport page: 73.3 cm
I've wanted this for many years, and good things seem to come to those who persist.
For Impossibility Challenger NZ
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Most radio interviews in suspended cage: 98
Thrilling. I recommend dangling off the end of a crane for Easter – way to go!
For The Problem Gambling Foundation of New Zealand
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Book of Alternative Records 2009
Most table tennis balls held underwater: 12
The tricky part was flipping my hand very fast while keeping all balls in place.
For Impossibility Challenger NZ
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Guinness World Records™ 2008

Loudest clap: 113 dbA
Now this proves why my friends complain that my clap hurts their ears.
Guinness World Records Day 2008
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Largest bowl of soup (shared): 25,000 litres
What an incredible mix of creativity, stress, apprehension, satisfaction and sheer exhilaration to the end!
For St Elizabeth's Friends of the Family
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Most radio interviews in 24 hours (shared): 57
A virtual round-the-world trip, thanks to brilliant radio presenters all over the planet.
For The Problem Gambling
Foundation of New
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Furthest coin flick: 10.64 metres
I can't remember exercising my index finger so much ever before!
For Guinness World Records Day
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Longest hair extension (shared): 6.69 metres
What a thrill – to walk in public and notice the gazes brought me many a chuckle.
For Guinness World Records Day 2008
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Fastest time to peel and eat three kiwifruit: 36.91 seconds
Who said I could never eat like an animal – of course I can!
For Guinness World Records Day
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Most baseballs held in a baseball glove: 14
A bit of a balancing act, and if only the baseball glove was more stretchy!
For Guinness World Records Day
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Furthest golf ball blow: 5.83 metres
Blowing this hard is a good way to give yourself a splitting headache in minutes. Oooh!
For Guinness World Records Day
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Most gloves worn on one hand: 24
I usually believe I can do things, but this time even I was amazed.
For Guinness World Records Day
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Book of Alternative Records 2008
Tallest silverbeet plant: 363.5cm
As a seedling, it keep reaching ever-higher and showed its promise from an early age.
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Guinness World Records™ 2007

Most T-shirts torn in one minute: 9
Yes! A great way to vent stress with instant results.
For Guinness World Records Day
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Most jelly eaten with chopsticks in one minute: 410 grams
Funnily, it slumped down my throat like a soft drink. But I felt bloated straight away.
For Guinness World Records Day
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Most side jumps in one minute: 90
Very physically demanding but exercise is good for us, even jumping at this speed.
For Guinness World Records Day
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Most baseballs in hand palm-down: 4
A logical result to me – unless you can hold more. Can you?
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Most vinyl records smashed in 30 seconds: 20
Now that's what I call satisfying!
For a New Zealand television
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Most rubber bands pulled over head in one minute: 62
We laughed. What sane person would want to spend weeks practicing for this weird and wonderful world record!
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Most stamps licked in one minute: 57
Quite literally, there was saliva all over the place...and many glued-on stamps for the public to inspect.
For Guinness World Records Day
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Most underpants pulled on in one minute: 20
Never before did I think I'd develop such an intense liking for little red underwear...
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Most hugs in one hour: 624
All welcome! It was a pleasure to hug so many wonderful folks.
For a New Zealand television
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Most cucumbers snapped in one minute: 75
Bits splattered everywhere, and we had a great time with those things.
For a New Zealand television
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Most books priced in one minute: 28
“I'll show them” I thought when I began, but really? I was nervous as can be.
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Most eggs crushed with the head in 30 seconds: 20
Even if I admit it myself, possibly the most unintellectual activity I've engaged in.
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Most baseballs held in a baseball glove: 10
Somehow, I knew those baseballs and I'd be seeing one another a second time.
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Most snails on the face: 8
You know, folks, it wasn't that bad, despite this being one of the weirdest world records. They're cute and we fell in love, all 9 of us.
For Guinness World Records Day
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Record Holders' Republic 2007
Greatest height to drop gambling machines: 296 metres
One of the best “highs” one could ever experience. Uplifting and awesome.
For The Problem Gambling
Foundation of New
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Most gambling machines dropped: 4
A rewarding accomplishment, and a statement that says it all.
For The Problem Gambling
Foundation of New
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Guinness World Records™ 2006

Most pegs held in the hand: 23
Just when the TV news reporter turned his back, I got it and shrieked with excitement.
For Southern Stars Charitable
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Most socks worn: 74
Now that's a decent way to keep warm – while making sure you can't go anywhere.
For Southern Stars Charitable
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Furthest golf ball blow: 1.96 metres
Face to face with a golf ball that doesn't want to roll at all, it seemed.
For Southern Stars Charitable
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Most gloves worn on one hand: 7
Surely 7 isn't where the record's at? No, I can do more.
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Most T-shirts worn: 120
And that's when they thought I should go walking through the local shopping centre...
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Most garlic cloves eaten in one minute: 4
When you're eating at this speed you don't taste a lot – you're in too much of a hurry to get the lumps down your throat!
For Southern Stars Charitable
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Largest cartoon (shared): 862.8 square metres
A wonderfully rewarding day as we measured and painted for hours inside a huge helicopter hangar.
For Southern Stars Charitable
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Longest handshake (shared): 9 hours 19 minutes
Thank goodness for interesting company. But we weren't too happy that the rules meant we were followed into the toilet by witnesses where we weren't permitted to stop!
For Southern Stars Charitable
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Most rhinestones on the body (shared): 31,680
Nothing can beat being coated in a reptile-like skin of glue and exquisitely patterned rhinestones.
For Southern Stars Charitable
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Guinness World Records™ 2005

Loudest clap: 110.44 dbA
A good world record to have, but I was confident I could beat myself.
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Most eggs held in the hand: 10
Can you imagine spending weeks practicing for this, breaking eggs all over the house?
For Guinness World Records Day
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Furthest coin flick: 9.03 metres
Got it, but I wanted to improve on my own benchmark.
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Most finger snaps in one minute: 119
If you've ever written so much that your forearm stings, then you know how this felt.
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Most socks worn: 70
Succeeding at this showed me I could stretch myself just a little more and do better.
For Guinness World Records Day
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Guinness World Records™ 2004
Greatest weight lifted with human tongue: 1.7kg
We were entertained by this one, but only until a doctor told me I could rip my tongue out of my throat by its attachments - after all, this could easily be one of the most painful records.
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Finally - when things don't go to plan
Hopefully, this light-hearted
look at the
serious world of breaking records will inspire some of
you to follow me
in this amazing adventure.